Sunday, September 25, 2016 2:03pm

Dear friends,

This has been a pretty good weekend. We didn't go on a trip or do anything special. It was just a good balance of restful and productive activities; we gave and we received. It feels rare that we have a weekend like that so I'm recording it, thanking God, and hoping to repeat this balance for many weekends to come!

I wanted to share a journal entry from yesterday and maybe write more about what was happening in my Heart:

Saturday, September 24, 2016     A little after sunrise
" This has been a lovely quiet time. I don't think you're giving me the answers to all my questions or problems. But, thankfully, that's not what I'm seeking today. I'm here to be with you. It's so refreshing and restoring just to be with you. All day, most days, I feel compelled to solve a problem in life so I can finally rest and be happy. But you said 'do not let your Heart be troubled.' I can choose rest even with problems unsolved! I've been wondering why my 'coming to you' hasn't produced an easier burden. You showed me that I first have to put my burden down in order to take yours. I was coming to you with my burden and saying 'Jesus, look at this burden! It's completely legitimate and I should worry about it and work to fix it! I have to do something!' And you've been telling me there's nothing I can do. I really hate that. But right here, in this moment, I trust you. You're right. So I'm putting my burden down and taking yours. It feels so good! I'm not letting my Heart be troubled. Nothing can separate me from your Love. So I'm okay. In your arms, I'm okay."
God is so good and I'm ever so grateful that he wants me despite my issues. For example, with little children, I sometimes find it frustrating to try to help a two-year-old who usually doesn't even see that they need help. But God does that for me all the time. Patiently and consistently, he guides my steps and shows me Truth as I am ready to receive it. He doesn't snatch my burden and take care of it (which would be much more efficient), he waits for me to put it down and to ask for his load instead.

I'm so silly not to come to God and trust him right away with everything. He's proven himself over and over. I'm thankful that today I trust him with as much of my Heart as I know how. I'll revisit this post another day when I'm struggling to trust God. I hope this encourages me then and I hope it encourages you some time too. Thanks for reading!

Rebecca Danae


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